An artificial tooth to replace a missing one.
Omegaden Laboratory's large implant department is trained to utilize almost every system produced. We offer implant crown and bridges in both Porcelain Fused, to Metal and Zirconia.
We are very versatile on the various systems that the market offers and we always work with our client's preferable system. The most popular systems we work with are shown below.


Cementation is the most commonly used restoration in dental implantology.
Advantages include the compensation of improperly inclined implants, easier achievement of passive fit due to the cement layer between the abutment and reconstruction, lack of a screw access hole, and thus the presence of an intact occlusal table and easier control of occlusion.
When to use cement retained?
For short-span prostheses with margins at or above the mucosa level
For cases where an easier control of occlusion without an access hole is desired (eg. narrow diameter crowns)

Screw-retained restorations have the advantage of more predictable retrievability. They require a minimal amount of interocclusal space and are easier to remove when hygiene maintenance, repairs or surgical interventions are required.
When to use screw retained?
For fixed prostheses with a cantilever design
For long-span fixed prostheses
In the aesthetic zone, for provisionalization of implants to enable soft tissue conditioning and finalization of the emergence and mucosal profile
When retrievability is desired


Omegaden Laboratory offers custom abutments with various options. Every manufacturer does not have the same available options, thus our well versed team is here to help by presenting the available choices. The use of a custom abutment allows corrections to be made in angulation with anatomical structure for better support and crown retention.
Benefits of Custom Abutments:
Create a natural emergence profile between an implant and crown
Crown margin depth can be customized
Allows for better aesthetics
Allows for better alignment with angled implants